Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What did we just miss?
- I started my new course at uni.
- Fidel Castro, president of Cuba resigns.
- Kevin Rudd leads sorry day.
- China experiences an 8.0M earthquake and nearly 80,000 die.
- The Beijing olympics that were full of upsets and surprises in themselves.
- The global economy crisis which will effect us for a while to come
- Barack Obama becoming the first african-american president-elect.
- Granddad
- Aunty Jui
- Heath Ledger: Australian actor.
- Edmund Hillary: First man to climb Mt. Everest.
- Roy Scheider: Main actor in Jaws.
- George Carlin: American comedian
- Isaac Hayes: Voice of Chef on south park and musician
- Bernie Mac: American comedian and actor.
Many other events will remain in our mind and hearts and some will stand out more than others, if people want to pay respect or point out any big event that I missed then feel free to comment.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Fulfilling your craving for Willus' idiotic rants
So maybe some of you guys might be asking.. what is it that compelled me to write up this thing idiotic rant at 3am after 5 months of no blogging? It’s not a way for me to get a sudden shoot in views or anything (though, that is an idea to keep for the future). I would like to tell you guys what my inability to sleep stems from but that’s no fun; you guys have to find out for yourselves…
However, as corny as this will sound, I hope you guys do this… try and think about every person that makes your life what it is; whether they be a friend, an uncle, your ex-boyfriend’s cousin twice-removed then ask yourself this question; “How much does [insert person here] mean to me?” and then show that feeling in one form or another (don’t worry, I’m not telling you to make out with your brother) before it’s too late.
RPCCB --(-@
Monday, July 14, 2008
Why do people play video games?
Seriously, why do they play even when they know that designs can be flawed?

Is it because perhaps, the flaws will some day work in your favour?

Or maybe because you one day will get to laugh at a friend of yours?

Or someone you don't know?

So for those people that don't know or understand the entertainment goldmine that is video games... please, don't mock us.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Australia, the next American state? Nah bro…
NB: Before I begin, I’d like to say that this post is just another case of me observing things the way they are and asking “why?” In no way is this intended to be a stab at someone or personal attack and I apologise beforehand if people perceive it to be, it is based on my opinion and observations alone. Feel free to post your opinions and whether you agree/disagree. Let’s begin my massive rant…
Now, I’m sure you’ve all heard people (the news in particular) talk about it before by asking the question “Why is our nation losing its identity and becoming overrun with American pop-culture?” The reasons never really occurred to me until a few days ago and I decided to look into it, seriously, what the heck is going on?So today, (9th July) I was kinda bored at home and searched through for movies that I’m looking forward to watching. The list went through The Forbidden Kingdom, The Dark Knight, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and finally I got to The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (TotDE). Reading through TotDE, I had a look at the boards and read a bit of the reviews to see if this movie was actually worth spending my money on. Turns out that this movie is probably best left untouched because of the acting and rapport between actors, particularly between Brendan Fraser with his on-screen son Luke Ford.
Referring back to and its scoring of Australian shows, it has been programs that are still on today that are struggling to do better than the “above average” quality as opposed to the current American shows that have been scoring highly. Another thing I found out is that Home and Away in the past 3 years has won the Logie Award for the most popular Australian drama. 5.4/10 and this is the best drama in our country? You have GOT to be kidding me.
Next, onto music. Anyone ever notice an abundance of kids dressing up like their favourite rapper? Anyone ever notice that the favourite genre of music of most people today is RnB and Hip hop? How many people do you know like to listen to Oz Hip hop? In fact, are you able to name all the American hip hop artists/groups and then do the same for more than or even up to half that amount of Australian hip hop artists/groups? How many people do you know enjoy listening to Australian music? I don’t know many… Why is American alternative so much more liked than Australian alternative? An overwhelming majority of my friends like to listen to American based music (Facebook is a wonderful source lol). As asked by Australian Idol contest Levi Kereama back in 2003 “Name one Australian RnB song”.
The same goes for favourite movies and favourite TV shows. The numbers go into a ridiculous amount when counting the number of times I see House, Lost, Grey’s Anatomy, Seinfeld, Simpsons, Family Guy, Heroes and many other American Shows. There was probably about an odd few amount of people I know that listed Chasers, Rove and Thank God you’re here. I also am yet to encounter someone I know that lists an Australian movie as one of their favourites. Actually, what ARE some well known Australian movies? Did you know that Moulin Rouge is an Australian international co-production with
Now, I’d like to know why but obviously the answers will differ amongst different people. I’ve boiled it down to a few things and would like to know what people think.
- Different/Experience – People are sick of the current way of life and seek exhilaration, excitement and fresh things all the time.
- Idolisation – They like certain stars for whatever reason, looks, image, work/talent etc. These stars are big within American culture
- Opinion – Like I mentioned before, opinions differ between people and the opinion here is that the shows are just better.
- Image – Shallow, crude and probably insulting, but they like the image that it portrays.
- Mass media and/or Marketing – It has better exposure than the Australian shows due to the large scale of production etc.
So before the opening question gets asked again, the media should probably ask this “what notable things have we done to make sure our national identity is preserved?" Sorry for such a long post =D
Thursday, July 3, 2008
YF Camp
Day 1 (Friday 27th)
Nothing really happened on the first day, met up with Damian (Ong) and Amanda Li. Drove all the way down to NSW, we were having interesting convos when all 3 of us were awake. A particularly interesting conversation regarding food popped up and we started talking about the strangest foods we had heard of or eaten. I think I took the cake by telling them about Casu Marzu and developed chicken/duck eggs (Check out #5 and #1, I've actually eaten #1 and have to admit that it's quite nice but #5 is just messed up, dunno how it didn't get #1). We ended up arriving at around 7pm to see everyone already playing games and enjoying themselves, lucky for us we also arrived just in time for dinner, our convo (as delectable as it was) made us all really hungry.
After dinner we had to form into our bible study groups (the one I was part of was called caviar aka the n00b group) and introduce ourselves, do an icebreaker etc. We had to introduce ourselves, tell everyone who brought us there, where we were from and what we wanted to be when we were kids. Me being the genius that I am, said that I wanted to be an inventor because the blue ranger from power rangers was one, but enough of that embarrassing story. We ended up playing a boys vs girls game called ASAP and we pretty much got shat on by the girls, yay boys! In our group, only G and I were the ones that were "returning" members, others had either upgraded or didn't return (with a place like "NSW" who could blame them lol). After that we had to pretty much hit the sack; now I dunno about you but when people talk I tend to reply despite needing sleep and/or whatever. We pretty much didn't get to sleep until around about 3am...
Day 2 (Saturday 28th)
Sleeping at 3am was a pretty stupid idea, breakfast was at 7am and we got up at 8... yes, we missed breakfast =( after our "large" meal we went to worship in song and talk, then morning tea (yes, 1hr after brekky), after morning tea came bible study and then lunch. I was about ready to die of overeating but managed to suck it in somehow. This day was somewhat special as 3 girls were getting baptised, all 3 gave their testimonies and were quite moving, with several people crying. I think it was here that made me think to myself that even though I don't particularly like organised religion, speaking out against it is an even worse thing to do as it does great things for people.
Get this though, the 3 girls got baptised at the BEACH... how cold would it have been, clazy. After that it was organised recreation and free time, our group was versing fishballs (I think), we were pretty much all about to leave when I sat down near Boris and Dylan who bloody picked me up and threw me into the water! BASTARDS! I put up a struggle but they got me into a position I couldn't get out of and put me in. Unfortunately for Dylan, he got thrown in as well and he got more soaked than I did... KARMA. After that I took a shower for about... an HOUR, trying to get sand out of my clothes at the same time, FRICK. I gave up after realising how long it was taking and decided to just let them dry (despite one not actually drying because I'm an idiot and threw it straight into a plastic bag).
Same deal happened here, but bible study went for longer and in worship we got told about our skit criteria. After that supper was to be served but since I came prepared with instant noodles while everyone had to settle with something else that I didn't like (probably redbean) mwahaha. Supper proved to be interesting because Brian decided to try out this popcorn trick he saw on youtube, looks believable enough... doesn't work though, save yourself the trouble and embarrassment. This was probably the worst night as I went to sleep and woke up at around 4am with an eyelash in my eye, couldn't get it out so I had to go to the toilet to flush it out and was wide awake after that =(
Day 3 (Sunday 29th)
Wow... we woke up in time for breakfast?!? What happened? Today pretty much ran in the same format, except there was a question and answer session (regarding life) combined with free time earlier in the day. The big thing for the day was pretty much skit night, for those of you that don't know what we do in skit night... we pretty much had to follow the criteria that were given to us and use it to make a show, this years' criteria was 1: use the group name; 2: use a verse from the bible; 3: use a random item in the skit which gets given to you literally right before you start. After bible study we pretty much had zero idea on what we were to do for the skit, nothing was coming to our heads and we just ended up deciding to redo a chapter in the book of Jonah in a very fobby fashion. Lots of ideas were getting tossed around, some great, some poor, but in the end we had to settle with this and it wasn't looking good because of the length of it...
Our problem was that the criteria was too "restricting" but it all ended up being random with heaps of fobby asian parts to it anyway. Think of everything stereotypically fobby asian that pops to mind... yum cha, fried rice, accent, fu manchu moustache, big 2, chinese whispers (ok, maybe not the last one) and that's what our skit involved. Words can't really describe this night, basically think of constant laughter at how lame/funny/random people can be and combine it into one night. Even though our skit was hella short... we managed to pull out a 2nd?!? Oh well, flukes are still wins =P
After concert night came supper again and this time we got proper food but I didn't eat anything (saving room for my 2nd bowl of instant noodles hehe) and pretty much left to go to the bonfire to chill with all the camp people. Lots of laughs, jokes and photos all around with people roasting marshmellows, seeing "shooting stars" and stargazing. Easily the best night of the entire camp and we stayed out until around 1:30, if people ever do plan to go to a big bonfire... beware the after effects.
Day 4 (Monday 30th)
We woke up at around 7:45, I had the groggiest voice because of the bonfire, everyone else was just being hella lazy, nothing major happened this day except for final photos, more good food and the traditional "food auction". It's pretty much what the name states, auctioning of the food that was leftover from the camps supplies, this years auctioning wasn't that great because of a lack of sweets, fruit juice, soft drinks and the like; can you say "yay vegetables"?
- Someone getting raged at by a character from family guy
- Skit night
- Steve's rendition of a chinese emperor
- Organised recreation on the beach
- Jeri's alarm tone... man, that thing is hella annoying
- Bonfire night
All in all, great camp like last years (campsite wasn't as good though) and will be looking forward to YF Camp reflections night (this coming saturday). Might be looking into going back again next year as it was so enjoyable, better people this year for sure though.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
New material
Anywho, I've been hella busy at uni and other places "studying" up for finals at our home/GP South. I've managed to take a video blog of of our adventures, just for fun. There was another video of me saying that I'm buggered and going to sleep but you can't really hear or see much at all so I didn't post that. There's also a few photos flying around of random stuff but I'll edit this post when they're finally up.
Here's the videos...
PS: Comment the videos and not here, you can comment here if it's regarding my blog, but video related stuff should go to youtube.
PPS: Good luck to all for exams =)
Edit: Jeri uploaded the photos rofl


Thursday, May 15, 2008
Yeah right...
- First of all, they don't pose like homies with a pout thing going on in photos...

- Secondly, I don't think I've seen either of them jim in on photos....

Well, they don't definitely don't LOOK alike!

Haha, what did I tell you guys?! They don't act OR look similar!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
You aint fooling no one...
Yeah right, I should ask her what this is
They're probably getting pretty desperate right about now.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Unnecessarily long post about ice cream night
The main reason for going apart from socialising and wanting to see people, was for the ice cream eating contest. After all the pleasantries of saying hello to everyone came the massive barrage of trash talk from my mouth and encouragement for people to join the eat-off. Sign up went relatively smoothly but I had to encourage my partner several times to join with me, but he gave in lol.
Hahah, what can I say about the first round? Seeing the cup, I thought it was gonna be pretty easy but I looked like a fool when I flicked a massive ball of ice cream onto the table, shrugged it off, picked it up with my hand and shoved it in my mouth. Jemmms and I ended up winning in the first round, getting good reactions from plenty of people, though I can be sure that sometimes it's not entirely a good thing lol. The next few rounds was when we got big scares, seeing two people about three times our size entering an eating contest... Jemmms and I got lucky when they didn't win, but that meant we had to face two people that could eat more than two big guys! Needless to say, Jemmms and I were thinking "OH SHIIIIIIIITTTT" (well, I was anyway).
Entering the final round, there were two other groups and since there were only 3 prizes, meant that all three teams got at least something. 3rd place got 4 VIP tickets to BSA's Bounce Dance party, 2nd place got a $50 voucher to Beard Papa's for cream puffs and 1st place got a hamper full of random soft drinks and several bottles of alcohol. Going into the final rounds were... Josh and his partner Allan, Kain and his partner and Jemmms and I. The finals started off CRAZY when we all saw the size of our ice cream cups, pretty much everyone had their jaws dropping and I had my eyes ready to fall from their sockets. What on earth did I get myself into?
What followed was the CRAZIEST 2 minutes of my life when Jemmms and I competed in the final round with everyone cheering for us. The clips were hilarious, especially when seeing people getting brain freeze and what happened during the fight for 2nd place lol. Basically, I can only describe the crowd as this... AWESOME! Loved it! You guys were the best support ever! Thanks to BSA for organising the event, Barboo for supplying the ice cream, Jemmms for being my teammate and everyone that cheered for us!
Biggest downfall though, was that after the event Josh, his partner, Jemms and I all started to experience toothaches lol. Cold water and cold food in general CAINED!
PS: If people would like to see the nasty ass clips, hit me up on msn and I'll forward an email to you lol.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Let em know
Turns out that bus drivers can't even change the clocks on the go card machines anyway, so whose fault is it? As a result of this, several bus drivers have decided to go on strike by not accepting fares and are wanting Mickel to resign from his post. Funny thing is, the article also mentioned that go card readers are faulty currently. Thanks for supporting one of my previous blogs lol.
So what can we learn from his mistakes? Firstly, accusations can cause relationships (whether they be friendships, professional, romantic etc.) to go sour and when the two parties involved are reliant on one another on such a large scale, all hell breaks loose eventually affecting other parties as well. Secondly, making accusations without first thinking about what you're trying to say and without proof or evidence makes EVERYTHING worse. DON'T DO IT!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
You must learn
This has been wanting to slip through my finger tips, but I haven't had time nor did I think it was worth talking about until now. This shit's gotten outta hand. So lately there's been a few arguments happening around my house, with all of them regarding my step-sister (Amanda if you're reading this, PLEASE try to take this advice). There are so many things that my step sister and mum argue about, I won't list all of them because there's just too many and because it's quite private. Either way, onto one of the big ones a few nights ago.
Scenario: My step sister is 16, turning 17, she found a job (hooray for her), but at Chermside. To those oblivious of where I live, we're pretty much located on the opposite side of town of Chermy and she found a job there? I mean it's fine if she drives, but she takes 2 buses there. The problem with this mainly is that she's only 16 and when she comes home it's roughly between the hours of 8 - 10 o'clock (despite Chermside closing at 4/5 o'clock on some days). She's not old enough for our parents to accept her out late at this time and taking public transport home; I'm 19 and my mum still gets annoyed at me for being out past 9. I don't know why she's doing the job at Chermside, but if she's doing the job just because her friends are, she needs to grow the fuck up and accept work isn't meant to be fun and games.
Scenario 2: Before the end of school holidays she was starting to bludge hella and never did her assignments. Ok, if there's 1 assignment you haven't done... that's pretty bad already. She had 3 assignments left untouched and was skipping/wagging school because they were incomplete.
She even went so far as to hide from my mum so that she'd be able to stay home and not go to school. Wow, talk about desperation. Anyone that knows my Mum knows she can be annoying and gets on my nerves a lot, imagine that but around 10x worse in laying smackdown on my step sister. Ouch. It seems my step sister just doesn't understand the idea of authority and keeps thinking about what she wants most, if not all of the time.
From those two scenarios you can see a bit of another scenario opening up. She doesn't want to go to school and wants to work (despite really just being with friends). Anyone knows that people who work with friends are fine, but how about if your friends are always at school? How about if it's because you're working there only because you want to be with your friends? How about if you take that away you have nothing else to do? My mum asked if she wanted to stay in school or drop out and work. Being the absolute GENIUS she is always my mum always expects an answer on the spot and done in a respectful manner to her. My step sister also gives the silent treatment and if she gets annoyed enough, will raise her voice at whoever. Bad combination. I can imagine that making the decision to drop out of school is extremely difficult and accepting that upon making it you have to be prepared for what comes flying at you.
The silent treatment she gives also extends to her being told what to do. It extends to her younger sister and even her dad. Wow, I understand that people would rather not talk about certain things, but you could at LEAST say "I don't wanna talk about it" instead of being rude and not saying anything fullstop. Never listening to advice is probably the worst of them all, she just doesn't accept criticism.
Edit: Check this out guys!

Friday, March 28, 2008
The acting itself wasn't that bad, but fucking shit, the script was probably the CHEESIEST thing I ever had to sit through. I was considering impaling myself after hearing the word "the streets" used like it was some holy beacon of all that is cool. I thought the dancing itself was pretty good, I saw some bboying and popping, which were all decent in terms of creativity and execution, but I didn't see much done to the music. The storyline itself I actually didn't mind too much, rather the script made me feel like covering my ears but it did have its moments such as "awwww he got da key!!!" and "I like you teeth! Thanks, I like your accent! What accent? I hevv no accent!".
Now, to those that tell me to watch these kind of movies (You got served, step up 1 + 2, stomp the yard etc.) just for its dancing, allow me to extrapolate the concept further for you. As Matt Damon once said on an interview for rove, he didn't want to be known as an "action star" but rather a star that could do action. His reasoning was because an "action star" will come on do a few takes of dialogue and proceed to do "action"... sounds very much like porn doesn't it? That's right people, he likened action to porn. As well as I can remember, this is how he worded it "you go up there, you talk for a few lines and then you do your "action" parts". So there you have it, action, dance and porn movies have a big thing in common: they're all designed to be aesthetically pleasing to their viewers, just their target viewers differ greatly.
Another thing I've noticed: 50 of the imdb bottom 100 (50%) were made in 2000 or after whereas 50 of the top 250 (20%) were made after 2000. So it's not just me, plenty of other people think that movies that have been made in the last few years are rather poor. Though, going to the cinemas isn't really just for the movie itself, but rather a social situation. Much like BSA movie night, the movie itself was average - mediocre at best and nothing extraordinary was shown but it was getting out and talking to people that was great.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Hip hop is dead
Nah seriously people, any of you that know me will know that my hip hop has to be the right way and not be about rims, drug use, bitches, hoes and pimping. I respect that those artists have found fame and are doing what they love. Though, I HATE that kids these days (I don't want to be racist but there's really no other way I can put it) particularly those of dark skinned origin are always dressing like them for their image. Image ≠ personality, in fact I'm willing to bet that if you're just copying what you see on your favourite music videos that you probably have little if any personal substance at all.
Before people accuse me of bitching too much (I know I do anyway), think about the following points...
- How much money do you think the kids asked their parents for to pay for their clothes just so they could look like a wankster?
- How much stupid shit such as vandalism and fighting do you think kids get into because of the image they want to portray?
- How much of that stupid shit do you think leads to a whole load of taxpayers money getting wasted? Yes, this WILL apply to you.
I'm also aware that people get their fashion ideas and sense from external sources such as celebrities, other individuals and mediums like music videos, movies, TV etc. My main gripe is that kids spend FAR too much time trying to look like something they don't know about (hip hop). Other forms of fashion don't follow a culture and ideology as much as hip hop does.
Commercialisation is what has caused kids to get sucked into this stupid facade. Thank you Urban Incorporated.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Progressive society
That's not the only problem, another one is that this technology has only been released here recently. Other places such as Hong Kong have had this technology for YEARS and when I say YEARS I mean, I saw this technology after grade 9 YEARS. Of course, living in the great land that we call Australia there is MORE to the fine print. Not only is the technology new, it's not 100% finished either. There have been several instances where a person has had to swipe their card over 10 times just for it to register, this has happened to my friend and her first swipe didn't register whereas her 2nd swipe did. For those that don't know what happens to those that try to cheat the system by swiping only once, the system will deduct an additional fee (not sure what it is). Very effective considering the system itself isn't complete.
What really ticks me off is that this reflects the technological situation of Australia. Why does Australia SUCK when it comes to technology and get the short end of the stick? Aren't we a developed nation? Isn't our economy considered to be a lot better now? Even better news: Kevin Rudd is planning to advance our technology by filtering our internet; hooray for idiotic right wing-ism.
PS: To those that didn't understand my previous post, one of my relatives might have cancer. I just didn't feel very happy at the time and wanted to get a lot out. Thanks to those that comforted me =)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Taunts from life, most emotional post ever
For those that don't get it, my grandfather (RIP) passed away a few months ago, figure the rest out yourself.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Fear not of man
I remember my Uncle telling me about Mud Crabs when my parents still used to own the restaurant at 8 Mile Plains. He told me that when you turn the Mud Crabs upside down there's almost literally nothing they can do unless you stick your finger into their pincers (bloody idiot you are then). Next he showed me that the poor bastards enjoy getting patted on their underside and seem as if they're in some form of euphoria when you do so... until you start patting them there, which is when they go berserk.
So what happened after my parents got back was that I was fixing myself a meal (Ma Po Tofu and rice) and my step dad asked me for the kitchen shearers. I found them on the kitchen bench, handed them to him and went back to fixing up my meal. 20 seconds later when I put the spatula into the basin, I looked at the crab and there was the poor thing... WITH A PAIR OF SCISSORS SHOVED UP ITS ARSE. I asked my stepdad why he put the scissors there as opposed to just cutting it open straight away and he said that if you kill them too suddenly, some of their appendages may detach. Whereas if you kill them slowly, all the appendages stay intact. Needless to say, this roused my hippie/greeny side as I felt it was an unnecessarily cruel method of preparing the crab. Why do humans find it necessary to do what it takes to make themselves happy? Why do things that are "lesser" than us suffer so poorly?

Monday, March 3, 2008
Don't hate me now
Everything went well until the final class, my economics tute. Seemed innocent enough until the tutor placed up the multi-choice questions on the overhead projector, everyone seemed friendly but it seems like Jeri and I hit the jackpot when it comes to the know it alls. I mean, why me? Last year it was in PSYC1020 when we had a middle aged woman coming into the tutorial with people barely over 18 and the majority under 21, acting as if she was Rhodes Scholar from one of the most elite schools. People need to stop acting like they're geniuses, chances are that if you're in a class for first years... you're not. Stop trying to show off your superiority, it's like the concept of being competitive, you're too busy trying to WIN (be superior) and not trying to IMPROVE.
Is UQ shoving know it alls in every single class to have people try to show them up and in the end get people to do better? It doesn't work that way, they disrupt about as much as people that do squat and act loud. Please don't feed your ego with making yourself feel superior in the work, it fails even more when it's in a larger setting (lectures) my friend and I had a know it all in our PSYC1040 lecture that got COMPLETELY shamed out... it went something like this.
Person: How does psychology explain unrepeatable phenomenon?
Everyone else: ...
Lecturer: What do you mean?
Person: Oh I don't know... say something like... Quantum theory?
Everyone else: ...
Lecturer: ...
Everyone else: [giggle]
Lecturer: I'm not educated on Quantum theory, so perhaps you could enlighten us all?
Person: Quantum theory suggests that if I walk into the wall 9 times, after the 10th time I should be able to pass through it.
Lecturer: ...
Everyone else: [giggle]
Random: Is it a thin wall?
Everyone else: LOL
For those of you that found that funny, the funny thing was that after about 10 - 15 minutes when people were still laughing about the guy (I was at the front and could hear people talking about him), I looked back and saw him with probably the most disconcerted of faces that I've ever seen, as if he was about to burst into tears and then ZOOM, he RAN out the door.
Wow... that was a long blog. I bitch too much, I might need a therapist...
Edit: Forgot this... this is proof that I'm evil =D
Which Family Guy character are you? Stewie Griffin You are an anarchist, a thespian, and you hate your family (especially your mom) as well as pickels. For Christmas, you want either a dead Lois or some plutonium. Also, you can do a lounge version of Rocket Man by Elton John. |
Click Here to Take This Quiz Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. |
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Bitching session #10
Tool no. 1: See any worth trying to pick up?
Tool no. 2: The lecturer wasn't bad, looks a bit like your mum oh-ho!
Me: Oh great, we're sitting near a group of talking dipshits
Lecturer: Different techniques would be used for different kinds of organisations, for example a university would market their place differently to a tafe
Tool no. 1: Haha, what kind of an idiot goes to tafe
Me: You probably should be there at the moment
Tool no. 3: Man, I feel like leaving this lecture isn't worth my time
Tool no. 1: Oh are you seriously leaving?
Tool no. 2: Yeah, let's go. We should be doing something better than listening to this dumb woman
I'm aware that I talk in my lectures too, but I'm aware that I can be a nuisance so I do my BEST to keep all my chattering to a minimum. People that believe they're extraordinary geniuses and talk incessantly during classes probably SHOULD take up the offer of going to tafe (which actually isn't full of nitwits like those above).
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Uni starts again...
On the topic of uni, the lecturer for Micro (cool fella, actually worth listening to) stated that UQ >>> QUT and here's the proof I found (because I was bored). I lol'd hahaha. He stated something differently though, saying that UQ is 33rd or something along those lines and that QUT was actually around 199th (as opposed to a much lousier 364th within global rankings =P). So there's proof that UQ >>> QUT, it might be a university for the real world, but have facilities for the third world oooohhhhhhhh. My bad to any hot un-fobby asian girls at QUT, except to the ones that I know =D.
PS: For those that are interested/care about my weight loss progress, I've actually lost 3/4 kgs and I'm looking to lose more until I reach 65kg...
PPS: To those of you that are even less likely to care... (Or since I might have directed you here to increase my page views =D) here's my timetable...

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Now, she cracked the news to me the other day and all she had to say was "sorry" and needless to say I was pissed off. The next day she left a note on the table for me telling me to clean the house for her because she'll be out getting ready for the actual party. I just want to know; would I be right if I accused her of having double standards or am I just being melodramatic?
also... quote of the month
(1:35 AM) Willus http://: haha, if a girl grabs a guys ass it's fine
(1:35 AM) Willus http://: but if a guy grabs a girls ass it's court cases and restraining orders
(1:36 AM) Hoonie: hahahahaha
(1:36 AM) Hoonie: yerp!!
(1:36 AM) Hoonie: the advantages of being a girl
(1:36 AM) Hoonie: LOL
Whoever said women don't take advantage of men was grossly mistaken or probably a woman.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The end of an era
To those that really can't be screwed to search up what happened, here's the gist of it. Edison Chen had sex with certain HK starlets, photographed their escapades and uploaded the images onto his laptop. Unfortunately for him, his laptop had been damaged somehow and required to undergo repairs, upon which someone (I don't know who exactly), found the photos and uploaded a few of them onto the web. Fans being the absolute MORONS they are ruled out the authenticity of the photos, how did the uploaded respond? Well, he uploaded more... A LOT more... over 1,000 MORE, hahaha fucking owned. Needless to say, the first few photos and the photos following created a flurry within the media and headlines were practically all about Edison. What happened after basically was a city being thrown into disarray, fans protesting, lawsuits being filed, even triads sending out threats. Yes, when you have a $100,000 price on your hand (not head) you know the triads mean serious business which is why the poster boy had to lay low for a while in the city of Boston. All of this caused Edison Chen to retire from the HK entertainment industry, releasing a public apology in HK and as of now he's doing some "soul searching".
So, what have we learned?
- Don't take photos if you're gonna have sex
- If you do, do all that you can to make sure your compy doesn't screw up
- If it does screw up, destroy it or find another way to fix it
- If you're repairing software and find this kinda stuff, DON'T distribute it, it destroys lives and reputations
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
That may be due to a number of reasons such as the bus being delayed for far too long because the fucking driver probably thought that it wasn't any of his/her business to go past the stop on time and stopped to have a fag. There are also instances of when people get on the bus and take their time to pay for their fare with enough shrapnel to make a metal detector believe it has discovered a treasure chest.
Here's another great reason: Old people that believe they own the bus and expect you to vacate the seat for "disabled" people, BCC OBVIOUSLY weren't thinking because that seat is actually quite hard to get onto if you're old. One person was even idiotic enough to try to convince me by saying that they had arthritis in their knees; seriously, why would you want to get up onto those high seats if it hurts like hell to apply pressure to your joints? Oh well, I looked back and pointed out that there was at least 5/6 spots left to sit down. Pwned.
So onto the good points: The good points of taking a bus, well they're rather trivial and not that great to be honest. For instance, today I saw a mattress in the middle of the highway, needless to say it was a big wtf moment for me. Seeing random thongs on the highway is also good for a laugh, but the highlight was probably a billboard for a Sprite advertisement that read "If emos are so non-conformist, why do they all look the same?" hahaha, fucking win.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
For crying out loud, if you're gonna ask a person a question in confidence and not take their advice then why ask in the first place? She's lucky that the bus driver was nice otherwise she would've ended up at the wrong stop.
Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm also thinking of participating in the bridge to brisbane, for those of you that don't know what that is, it's a 12km fun run from the gateway bridge all the way to new farm park. It's just a way of getting motivation to train then eventually test myself, should be a good journey and might get several others to join in it too, already sorta got G interested (I think) =P. Read more about it here.
In other news, today was sign on for the rest of my subjects. I had to sign on for Jeri too because he was away, he gave me his UN and PW... maybe I should use them to my disposal or change it >=D mwahahaha just kidding man! My other friend missed out on the tute we agreed to join after seeing the classes filling up at a ridiculous pace.
Fortunately, the last sign on I had went smoothly for the other friend I'm doing the course with. All my sign ons went perfectly and I even was amazed to see how quickly every tute went, it's a dog eat dog world when it comes to sign on. Oh well, at least I'll be somewhat less distracted in class and learn a bit more (possibly hella bored).
To those of you that have been watching "So you think you can dance" (SYTYCD), how hot are some of the female participants [drool]. Vanessa sounds like a mouse, Kassy, Rhiannon, Steph and Laura are all hot though. I can't believe Steph is 18 though =\. Jack and Demi (Bgirl from melbourne who judged a breaking comp I watched last year) did a pretty good boogaloo routine too, they had hella sick getups too! Man, I gotta start dancing again and seeing this stuff should be enough. Though I gotta admit, my favourites are definitely Sermsah and Hilton. Those two are just hella good but I hope Hilton wins it, that man has had a bit of a rough past but seems extremely humble still; respect.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Standing atop a hill looking at the world below
Today I went through without taking a break (minus the traffic and the "oh no" stop in belief of stepping in doggy doo) even if it was only a 20 min jog, I felt as if I had leaped over a hurdle. I can take long runs too that reach up to 45 mins but I usually take about a 1 - 5 min break several times. I miss morning jogs, with great weather, a light breeze and nothing too incredibly hot.
To those that aren't aware, I've been having some weight problems lately and need to get rid of the excess! Those that don't believe me, looks can be deceiving. Here's to 72kg minus hopefully 7kg within the next 2 - 3 months...
PS: To you cynics, I didn't step in doggy doo.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Gold Coast trip (Pressured by George to publish)
Music: 112 - Peaches n Cream [Instrumental]
So as some of you may or may not be aware, last week my friends and I went to the coast to celebrate the birthdays of Panda/Andrew Phan, Emmy and Nat (Yes, 3 people at once). We left the same day I got back from Taiwan and I was completely buggered -_-;; There was plenty of happy water fueled stupidity as we drank the night away and had fun, some of us having a bit too much fun what with unnecessary stains (none that you're probably thinking of ;) lol)and silliness that fluoro colours bring. Turns out I had called one of my good friends and spoke to her in a drunken verbal exhibition of gibberish, SORRY SAB! Check out this moron, my gosh...

There was more than just drinking from that night as we had stayed over for several 2 nights and 3 days. The best part was the location and what there was at the house; the place had a swimming pool, pool table, foxtel and was in close proximity to Pac Fair and Conrad Jupiters (This is not an advertisement btw lol). The 2nd night was one of funnier nights because well... I could remember it better, but that's besides the point! Someone was having some... "socially adventurous conversations" with an unknown individual, while the rest of us were just sitting back having a laugh.
We had the time of our lives and it was probably the best weekend I've ever experienced (With the exception of waiting around at Pac Fair to leave, lol just kidding! It wasn't THAT bad). Definitely looking forward to something like this again and hope more can join us too =).
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
First post: Sydney, Taiwan trip and rantings.
Music: Dazz Band - Let it whip
Ahhh my first post, I apologise to people as it's gonna be about me me me me. My trip to

Talk about big, I needed to take 6 pics just to include every character I could see! I don't know half of the characters in there either. Several days later at night Erks, Youssef and I went around the city, (to those that haven't been to the city in Sydney, it's like a fucking maze and is pretty easy to get lost there) we eventually got bored and ended up going to a cyber games spot to see if they had games up there as Erks claimed he saw Virtua Fighter 5 being shown on screen. To our dismay there was no VF5 but we found a sign worth a laugh over...

Fast forward several days, my cousin and I took a flight to
Well I guess I've ranted enough and should stop it there, thanks to all those that bothered to read =D oh and a very special thanks to Jen for helping me think of a name for my blog lol.