This has been wanting to slip through my finger tips, but I haven't had time nor did I think it was worth talking about until now. This shit's gotten outta hand. So lately there's been a few arguments happening around my house, with all of them regarding my step-sister (Amanda if you're reading this, PLEASE try to take this advice). There are so many things that my step sister and mum argue about, I won't list all of them because there's just too many and because it's quite private. Either way, onto one of the big ones a few nights ago.
Scenario: My step sister is 16, turning 17, she found a job (hooray for her), but at Chermside. To those oblivious of where I live, we're pretty much located on the opposite side of town of Chermy and she found a job there? I mean it's fine if she drives, but she takes 2 buses there. The problem with this mainly is that she's only 16 and when she comes home it's roughly between the hours of 8 - 10 o'clock (despite Chermside closing at 4/5 o'clock on some days). She's not old enough for our parents to accept her out late at this time and taking public transport home; I'm 19 and my mum still gets annoyed at me for being out past 9. I don't know why she's doing the job at Chermside, but if she's doing the job just because her friends are, she needs to grow the fuck up and accept work isn't meant to be fun and games.
Scenario 2: Before the end of school holidays she was starting to bludge hella and never did her assignments. Ok, if there's 1 assignment you haven't done... that's pretty bad already. She had 3 assignments left untouched and was skipping/wagging school because they were incomplete.
She even went so far as to hide from my mum so that she'd be able to stay home and not go to school. Wow, talk about desperation. Anyone that knows my Mum knows she can be annoying and gets on my nerves a lot, imagine that but around 10x worse in laying smackdown on my step sister. Ouch. It seems my step sister just doesn't understand the idea of authority and keeps thinking about what she wants most, if not all of the time.
From those two scenarios you can see a bit of another scenario opening up. She doesn't want to go to school and wants to work (despite really just being with friends). Anyone knows that people who work with friends are fine, but how about if your friends are always at school? How about if it's because you're working there only because you want to be with your friends? How about if you take that away you have nothing else to do? My mum asked if she wanted to stay in school or drop out and work. Being the absolute GENIUS she is always my mum always expects an answer on the spot and done in a respectful manner to her. My step sister also gives the silent treatment and if she gets annoyed enough, will raise her voice at whoever. Bad combination. I can imagine that making the decision to drop out of school is extremely difficult and accepting that upon making it you have to be prepared for what comes flying at you.
The silent treatment she gives also extends to her being told what to do. It extends to her younger sister and even her dad. Wow, I understand that people would rather not talk about certain things, but you could at LEAST say "I don't wanna talk about it" instead of being rude and not saying anything fullstop. Never listening to advice is probably the worst of them all, she just doesn't accept criticism.
Edit: Check this out guys!

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