Music: 112 - Peaches n Cream [Instrumental]
So as some of you may or may not be aware, last week my friends and I went to the coast to celebrate the birthdays of Panda/Andrew Phan, Emmy and Nat (Yes, 3 people at once). We left the same day I got back from Taiwan and I was completely buggered -_-;; There was plenty of happy water fueled stupidity as we drank the night away and had fun, some of us having a bit too much fun what with unnecessary stains (none that you're probably thinking of ;) lol)and silliness that fluoro colours bring. Turns out I had called one of my good friends and spoke to her in a drunken verbal exhibition of gibberish, SORRY SAB! Check out this moron, my gosh...

There was more than just drinking from that night as we had stayed over for several 2 nights and 3 days. The best part was the location and what there was at the house; the place had a swimming pool, pool table, foxtel and was in close proximity to Pac Fair and Conrad Jupiters (This is not an advertisement btw lol). The 2nd night was one of funnier nights because well... I could remember it better, but that's besides the point! Someone was having some... "socially adventurous conversations" with an unknown individual, while the rest of us were just sitting back having a laugh.
We had the time of our lives and it was probably the best weekend I've ever experienced (With the exception of waiting around at Pac Fair to leave, lol just kidding! It wasn't THAT bad). Definitely looking forward to something like this again and hope more can join us too =).
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