Monday, July 14, 2008

Why do people play video games?

I was going through my folder of pics the other day and got to my screenshots of things that are game related and started having a laugh at some of the things that I've gone through. So ask yourself... why do people play video games?

Seriously, why do they play even when they know that designs can be flawed?

Is it because perhaps, the flaws will some day work in your favour?

Or maybe because you one day will get to laugh at a friend of yours?

Or someone you don't know?

So for those people that don't know or understand the entertainment goldmine that is video games... please, don't mock us.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE GAMES!! lol....

Anonymous said...

haha nice...super nerd derek
but video games are great, dunno how i would pass all my time without it...and all the money ive wasted

Anonymous said...

Is this why u get angry at tkn =P?

kimberly h. said...

wow u blog.. pokemon's cool..

Willus said...

Yes I do, I haven't blogged in a while actually... fuck I hate being lazy.