No, I'm not retiring from anything but Edison Chen is. To those of you that are blissfully unaware, Edison Chen is/was a popstar based in Hong Kong and recently had a sex scandal of his exposed to the media, which has caused him to retire from the Hong Kong entertainment industry. Now to those people that AREN'T Asian or don't know what the Asian mindset is like, something like this is HUGE and basically unprecedented because of how conservative the Chinese are. Whereas in a western culture it would be just another "oops", this is something that creates a media frenzy to the point that people get threatened by organised crime syndicates. Though, there are some funny aspects as 1. Edison was always considered a tryhard by many but after this, you can't help but feel sorry for the guy and 2. fans cry like kids, mainly girls.
To those that really can't be screwed to search up what happened, here's the gist of it. Edison Chen had sex with certain HK starlets, photographed their escapades and uploaded the images onto his laptop. Unfortunately for him, his laptop had been damaged somehow and required to undergo repairs, upon which someone (I don't know who exactly), found the photos and uploaded a few of them onto the web. Fans being the absolute MORONS they are ruled out the authenticity of the photos, how did the uploaded respond? Well, he uploaded more... A LOT more... over 1,000 MORE, hahaha fucking owned. Needless to say, the first few photos and the photos following created a flurry within the media and headlines were practically all about Edison. What happened after basically was a city being thrown into disarray, fans protesting, lawsuits being filed, even triads sending out threats. Yes, when you have a $100,000 price on your hand (not head) you know the triads mean serious business which is why the poster boy had to lay low for a while in the city of Boston. All of this caused Edison Chen to retire from the HK entertainment industry, releasing a public apology in HK and as of now he's doing some "soul searching".
So, what have we learned?
- Don't take photos if you're gonna have sex
- If you do, do all that you can to make sure your compy doesn't screw up
- If it does screw up, destroy it or find another way to fix it
- If you're repairing software and find this kinda stuff, DON'T distribute it, it destroys lives and reputations
Seen the pictures, they are very hairy
hahaha yeah I reckon, they'd need a lawn mower down there by now.
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