Sorry for quoting Nas's song, but he's fucking right. Even though it's been over a year since he released the song the message is showing more and more. As of late I've noticed that my home (replay) has more and more gangsters hanging out there. Now these aren't your typical gangsters, these people are so bad ass that the only time they're likely to show their face is when there's a public holiday, school holiday, last day of school OR a friday roughly around 3:30; scary stuff. These gang bangers are so hard they look EXACTLY like rap artists such as lil jon, 50 cent and Ja rule! They gotta be hard if they look/dress the same right? Right...???
Nah seriously people, any of you that know me will know that my hip hop has to be the right way and not be about rims, drug use, bitches, hoes and pimping. I respect that those artists have found fame and are doing what they love. Though, I HATE that kids these days (I don't want to be racist but there's really no other way I can put it) particularly those of dark skinned origin are always dressing like them for their image. Image ≠ personality, in fact I'm willing to bet that if you're just copying what you see on your favourite music videos that you probably have little if any personal substance at all.
Before people accuse me of bitching too much (I know I do anyway), think about the following points...
- How much money do you think the kids asked their parents for to pay for their clothes just so they could look like a wankster?
- How much stupid shit such as vandalism and fighting do you think kids get into because of the image they want to portray?
- How much of that stupid shit do you think leads to a whole load of taxpayers money getting wasted? Yes, this WILL apply to you.
I'm also aware that people get their fashion ideas and sense from external sources such as celebrities, other individuals and mediums like music videos, movies, TV etc. My main gripe is that kids spend FAR too much time trying to look like something they don't know about (hip hop). Other forms of fashion don't follow a culture and ideology as much as hip hop does.
Commercialisation is what has caused kids to get sucked into this stupid facade. Thank you Urban Incorporated.
i'd like to hear your opinions on how asians (read: japan, korea, hk/taiwan) usurp american culture, twisting it into something completely irrelevant, irreverent, and incoherent :)
I understand it's a completely separate issue from the one you're getting at, but it's not like *they* are truly HIPHOP either. Just some thoughts.
... heh, damn asians.
Imo it's not as bad because they're not embracing a negative concept. It seems those from asian culture don't understand hip hop as well due to a cultural barrier as opposed to punk teenagers trying to take an image and use it to their own liking.
From what I can see, asians are at least embracing some of the aspects of hip hop such as unity etc.
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