Well well well, hello again sir blog. Didn't think you'd see me again, did you?! Well I'm back and black. In any case, I have a new (not so well thought through) ponderous rant here to give you readers/browsers something to read/close/laugh at.
So a couple of months ago I was sitting with my friend outside my house (he'll know who he is, IF he reads this) and we were talking about how circumstances have developed around us for the worst. Being perfectly honest, there was some bad-mouthing here and there from me which made me realise just how much things have changed over just a few years. Ok, admittedly you wouldn't pick these sort of things when you're out having a good time with these people, but friendships do deteriorate, people do drift and opinions of people do change.
For example, what makes you think your current best friend won't turn out to be the biggest bitch to challenge Paris Hilton? Have you overlooked the fact that your boyfriend may be more vain than the great Fabio himself? Ok, fair enough your best friend and you are in-sync like performers at the North Korean mass games or your boyfriend might actually be worth a gander, but why is there such an alarming possibility that our loyalties can change from moment to moment?
I love my friends, some more than others (HAR!) but the idea that alignments change so spontaneously at times really really REALLY makes you wonder; "what will change tomorrow?".
Why does person A not talk to person B because of person C? How is it possible that person D has forgotten to invite person E to the outting AGAIN? If person F says something about person G is it because there are ill-feelings? This whole "loyalty" thing definitely has an unbelievable amount of factors to consider and frankly seems to be incredibly grey.
From a 3rd party standpoint, it can be very interesting to observe (even if it is morally questionable). However, it can be so gut-wrenching to watch your friends take swings at each other (physically or verbally) whether they be for pride, desires or spite. Is it better for those not immediately involved to standby or get involved? If we standby, do we have the right to pass judgment on those that are involved? Girls, I'm sure you've reacted to your friend getting dumped by their bf with "that bastard!" Allow me to ask you again; do you have the right?
Alternatively, we approach things with a neutral and fair point of view. How many of you have tried to do this and as a result felt like you're just playing devil's advocate? You stay where you are, being reasonable yet all you can feel is that you're not doing what you can for your friend. What do we do? Usually I try my best to reach a compromise and make a sacrifice on my own behalf if I have to. I do get self-conscious of what my friends think at times when I have to make those hard choices, but what other way should I have it? Should I allow my friends to get away with doing the wrong things? I'm also a firm believer of standing back and allowing only the parties involved to duke it out. Although, what happens if I have no choice? What happens if someone wrongs someone I hold dearly to my heart?